Dark and Darker: Best Two-Handed Weapons, Ranked (2025)

Dark and Darker brings a refreshing twist to the dungeon-crawler genre. This free-to-play title stands out by enabling players to join forces with friends or strangers to conquer intricate dungeons. The gameplay is simple, yet the right combination of players can elevate the experience, making it both engaging and enjoyable.


Dark and Darker: Best Weapons, Ranked

Dark and Darker offers players a fairly narrow selection of wepaons, but this makes it simpler to choose the best option.

Regarding weaponry, Dark and Darker diverges from other MMORPGs with its unique approach. Instead of offering hundreds of weapon variations, the game presents a more focused selection, with around 10 options for each primary weapon type. In most cases, a player can choose a weapon style, such as two-handed, and use any weapon that is available to their class.

7 Illusory

Great Magic User Weapon

Dark and Darker: Best Two-Handed Weapons, Ranked (2)
  • Damage: 27-37 + 9 magic damage
  • Style: Two-handed
  • Classes: Wizard, Cleric, Warlock, Druid
  • Movement: -20
  • Special: A successful spell cast makes the user invisible for 2 seconds and leaves the user's illusion temporarily.
  • Artifact: None
  • How to get: World drop

Illusory is the best two-hander that most magic-wielding classes can use. It has fairly high DPS due to the additional 9 magic damage that each attack inflicts on the target. It also has some defensive use, driven by the special ability that grants invisibility after a spell has been cast successfully.


Dark And Darker: Best Bows, Ranked

There are only 6 bows available in Dark and Darker, with most of these being locked to the Ranger class.

This is a medium-speed weapon, with all but one attack combo completing within a second. Overall, this is a good choice of weapon for most magic users, especially those who like to play solo, due to its defensive utility.

6 War Maul

The Best Two Handed Mace

Dark and Darker: Best Two-Handed Weapons, Ranked (4)
  • Damage: 48-57 (depending on weapon tier)
  • Style: Two-handed
  • Classes: Cleric, Barbarian
  • Movement: -50
  • Artifact: None
  • How to get: World drop

The War Maul is arguably the best weapon available to a cleric in Dark and Darker. It boasts exceptionally high damage but is incredibly slow. With a significant -50 player movement debuff, it is not suitable for players who prefer agility in combat.

In terms of attack combos, this weapon is very slow. No combo completes in less than a second. However, the 45% slowdown effect on hit is devastating to most enemies. However, in terms of pure DPS, there is no better two-handed weapon for a cleric in the game.

5 Felling Axe

Good Mid-Game Weapon For A Barbarian

Dark and Darker: Best Two-Handed Weapons, Ranked (5)
  • Damage: 41-55 (depending on weapon tier)
  • Style: Two-handed
  • Classes: Barbarian
  • Movement: -35
  • Artifact: Soulscraper
  • How to get: World drop

The Felling Axe in Dark And Darker would be a good choice of two-handed weapon for a Barbarian until they can get their hands on a legendary or artifact weapon. This weapon does purely slashing damage, as most axes in the game do.

With its good DPS and middle-of-the-road player movement debuff, this is a versatile weapon. However, the Felling Axe is pretty slow. A full attack combo will take almost two seconds to complete. Meaning don’t miss when using the Felling Axe. Overall, a decent weapon, but there are better choices for a Barbarian in the end game.

4 Battle Axe

Decent Axe For Fighter Or Barbarian

Dark and Darker: Best Two-Handed Weapons, Ranked (6)
  • Damage: 47-60 (depending on weapon tier)
  • Style: Two-handed
  • Classes: Barbarian, Fighter
  • Movement: -35
  • Artifact: Echo of Screams
  • How to get: World drop

The Battle Axe is arguably the best non-legendary or artifact weapon that a Barbarian or Fighter can use in Dark and Darker if they intend to focus on two-handed weapon combat. The Battle Axe does excellent damage and has a medium player movement debuff.

This weapon can also scale up to 115% slashing damage, making it a much better option than the Felling Axe. It also has an excellent 30% slowdown on successful hits. The only real downside of the Battle Axe is that all attack combos take more than a second to complete.

3 Fulgor

With Extra Thunder Damage

Dark and Darker: Best Two-Handed Weapons, Ranked (7)
  • Type: Sword
  • Archetype: Longsword
  • Damage: 52-54
  • Classes: Fighter
  • Style: Two-handed
  • Movement: -40
  • Special: Summons a thunderbolt to deal 20 additional magic damage on hit.
  • How to get: World drop

Fulgor is the premier two-handed slashing weapon in Dark and Darker, though it is exclusively available to the Fighter class. With its additional thunderbolt damage on hit, this weapon excels in high-damage output and is ideal for builds prioritizing DPS over defense.


Dark And Darker: Best Maces, Ranked

There are some good blunt and mace weapons available to players of Dark and Darker, but some are better than others.

Despite a significant -40 player movement speed debuff, Fulgor remains a highly effective sword. Most attack combos complete within a second, with the exception of one. However, it offers only a modest 17% slowdown effect on hit, lasting for just one second.

2 Cinder

The Best Fighter Two-Handed Weapon

Dark and Darker: Best Two-Handed Weapons, Ranked (9)
  • Type: Polearm
  • Archetype: Halberd
  • Damage: 66-69
  • Classes: Fighter
  • Style: Two-handed
  • Movement: -50
  • Special: Hitting an enemy deals 10 additional magic damage and burns them for 3 seconds.
  • How to get: World drop

Cinder is a polearm weapon that delivers the highest damage in Dark and Darker. It features inherent additional damage and a damage-over-time effect. Combined with its already impressive damage stats, no other weapon rivals Cinder in terms of raw damage output.


Dark And Darker: Best Swords, Ranked

Dark and Darker is a great dungeon crawler with some excellent slashing and piercing swords.

However, this immense damage potential comes with significant drawbacks. Cinder imposes a substantial -50 player movement speed debuff and is the slowest weapon in the game. All attack combos take well over a second to complete, with one combo nearly reaching two seconds.

1 Life After Death

The Best Weapon For A Barbarian

Dark and Darker: Best Two-Handed Weapons, Ranked (11)
  • Type: Axe
  • Archetype: Double Axe
  • Damage: 74-77
  • Classes: Barbarian
  • Style: Tow-handed
  • Movement: -45
  • Special: When receiving a lethal attack, HP becomes 1 and becomes invincible for 2 seconds. This effect can only be triggered once during an adventure.
  • How to get: World drop

Barbarians should absolutely prioritize getting their hands on this weapon. It is particularly advantageous for players front-lining in combat due to its unique effect. When a Barbarian wielding this weapon receives a lethal blow, their health drops to 1, and they become invincible for a short duration.

That being said, the weapon's speed is something to take note of, with a -45 movement debuff. Its attack combos will take longer than a second to complete, which might make it feel sluggish.

Dark and Darker: Best Two-Handed Weapons, Ranked (12)
Dark and Darker

August 7, 2023


Action RPG
Dark and Darker: Best Two-Handed Weapons, Ranked (2025)


Dark and Darker: Best Two-Handed Weapons, Ranked? ›

Cinder is a polearm weapon that does the most damage of any weapon in Dark and Darker. It has a baked-in damage add and also a damage over time effect. Stacked up alongside the already high damage stats for this polearm, no other weapon comes close to putting out as much damage as Cinder.

What is the most powerful weapon in Dark and Darker? ›

Cinder is a polearm weapon that does the most damage of any weapon in Dark and Darker. It has a baked-in damage add and also a damage over time effect. Stacked up alongside the already high damage stats for this polearm, no other weapon comes close to putting out as much damage as Cinder.

What is the best Ranger weapon in Dark and Darker? ›

Bows and arrows, crossbows and bolts are the favoured weapons of the Ranger. They rely on swords for close range engagements, with the option to equip a spear as well.

What are the best 2h weapons in Dark Souls 3? ›

Curved greatswords, greatswords, ultra greatswords, and great hammers are typically the best weapons tied to two-handing as they have excellent strength scaling. Regardless of choice, get comfortable with the moveset and learn when to use its weapon art.

What are the best two handed weapons in eso? ›

The Two Handed weapon type in ESO is highly versatile and can be used as either the primary or backup weapon for many builds. The Two Handed Weapon type in ESO includes the Greatsword, Maul and Great Axe. Some of the best Two Handed skills in The Elder Scrolls Online include: Dizzying Swing.

Who is the strongest enemy in Dark and Darker? ›

Ghost King is undeniably one of the toughest opponents in Dark and Darker, but it is worth fighting as it drops valuable loot. During the battle, the Ghost King can target a single player and deal magic damage to them while teleporting at the location.

Which bow is best, Dark and Darker? ›

The Longbow is a standout choice for Ranger players with its potent 30% slowdown on hit, despite only holding 6 arrows. Pestilence stands out as an end-game Ranger bow, inflicting disease damage over time and offering serious DPS potential.

What is the best skill in Dark and Darker Fighter? ›

Currently, we recommend taking Weapon Mastery, Combo Attack, Projectile Resistance and Swift. However when starting out in your adventure and you are leveling your Fighter, we suggest starting with Weapon Mastery. This is due to the fact that you can pick up a bow and safely clear rooms early on.

What is the max level in Dark and Darker? ›

Whats max level? There isn't one. The "soft" level cap is 20 since you unlock all your skill slots by then and you can apply to use the auction house.

Where can I get an onyx blade? ›

Locations Found / Sold. Found from defeating Sir Vilhelm when he ambushes you after clearing the Corvian Settlement, in the large library.

Where can I find Warden Twinblades? ›

Defeat the Grave Wardens in the Cathedral of the Deep or Untended Graves for a chance to obtain them.

Is a greatsword a two handed weapon? ›


This weapon requires two hands when you attack with it.

What is the highest damage two handed weapon in Skyrim? ›

At full power with 30 Absorb Health, never needing to be recharged, and with its incredibly fast attack speed, the Ebony Blade is by far the most powerful Two-Handed weapon in the game. Bloodskal Blade - One of the few named greatswords in Skyrim, the Bloodskal Blade can be found on Solstheim.

What is the fastest sword in Dark and Darker? ›

The Arming Sword is one of the fastest of all main hand sword weapons in Dark and Darker, with all combos taking less than a second to complete. The nice thing about the Arming Sword is that it does both slashing and piercing damage.

What is the highest rarity in Dark and Darker? ›

There are 8 rarities in the game.
  • Junk | Poor | Common | Uncommon | Rare | Epic | Legendary | Unique.
  • Uncommon rarity adds up to 1 new enchantment.
  • Rare rarity adds up to 2 new enchantment.
  • Epic rarity adds up to 3 new enchantment.
  • Legendary rarity adds up to 4 new enchantment.
  • Unique rarity adds up to 5 new enchantment.
Jul 17, 2024

What is the most powerful dark side ability? ›

Force Storm, also known as Wormhole, is a devastating dark side ability used only by the most powerful Force-users. Its usage could tear apart a planet's surface and completely decimate all those unfortunate enough to be in the firing zone.

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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.