EyeQuestion | Question Types (2025)

This overview shows all question types available in EyeQuestion which can be selected depending on the type of Sensory and/or Consumer research you are conducting.

Basic Questions

General InstructionDisplay a text to instruct or inform the panellist
Category/HedonicQuestion type where the panellist can select only one answer from a list of options (one choice)
Pick Any/ All That ApplyQuestion type where the panellist can select more than one answer from a list of options (multiple choice)
Combo BoxQuestion type where the panellist can select one or more than one answer from a drop-down list (one choice/multiple choice)
Date/ TimeQuestion type where panellists enter a date and/or time
NumberQuestion type that allows panellist only to enter a number according to a certain format
TextQuestion type where panellists can enter a text or password
Remark/CommentQuestion type that presents a field with more than one row to allow panellists to enter comments/remarks
PasswordQuestion type which asks panellists to enter a password before he can continue to the next screen
DifferentQuestion type where panellists need to select the sample that they think is different
Similar or DifferentQuestion type where panellists need to answer whether the samples they received are the same or different by selecting one of the samples
Different or SimilarQuestion type where panellists need to answer whether the samples they received are the same or different by selecting a different or similar option
Forced ComparisonQuestion type where panellists are forced to answer which sample they prefer
Comparison with EqualQuestion type where panellists need to answer which sample they prefer with the addition of an equal sample
TetradQuestion type where panellists need to place samples in a certain bin using a drag and drop mechanism
Line Scale Standard/ Line Scale ColorQuestion type that enables panellists to mark a position on a configurable line scale
Line Scale SegmentedQuestion type that enables panellists to mark a position on a configurable line scale which can be divided into segments
Labeled Magnitude ScaleQuestion type where panellists need to judge attributes on a logarithmic scale
Ranking on a LineQuestion type where panellists need to place items on a line in a free sequence
RATA 3-point IntensityA variant of the Rate All That Apply question type with a 3-point intensity scale
RATA 5-point ApplicabilityA variant of the Rate All That Apply question type with a 5-point applicability scale
RATA with REFA variant of the Rate All That Apply question type to compare the products with a reference product
Wheel Category/ Line ScaleQuestion type where panellists have the possibility to select their attributes in an interactive palette and score them on a point scale
Tree Category/ Line ScaleQuestion type where panellists have the possibility to select their attributes in an interactive palette and score them on a line or category scale
FeedbackQuestion type where panellists will receive feedback at the end of a test based on pre-defined EyeOpenR analyses
Feedback on a ScaleQuestion type where panellists will receive feedback on a scale at the end of a test based on pre-defined EyeOpenR analyses
Just About Right (JAR)Question type that can be used to measure the appropriateness of the level of a specific attribute
MatrixQuestion type where multiple questions and attributes can be displayed in one screen (one-choice / multiple-choice)
Maxdiff/ Best-Worst ScaleQuestion type used to determine the best and the worst statement of a product
Free SortingQuestion type where attributes must be sorted in one or more groups
Simple RankingQuestion type that allows panellists to place given items in a certain order using a simple numerical ranking
RankingQuestion type that allows panellists to place given items in a certain order using a drag and drop mechanism
BinningQuestion type that allows panellists to place given items in a certain bin using a drag and drop mechanism
Upload ImageQuestion type where panellists need to upload an image
Image SelectionQuestion type where panellists need to freely select and name one or multiple image regions
Image SliderQuestion type where panellists need to rate an image using a slider
Clickable ImageQuestion type where panellists need to mark certain (user defined) areas of an image
Time MeasureQuestion type that is used to by project manager to measure response time of panellists
Time BlockQuestion type where an image of a product is displayed for a certain amount of time
Graphic SliderQuestion type that allows users to add images to a line scale
Predefined QuestionsA collection of predefined questions that can be used in questionnaires (demographic, excellent, image scales, JAR, Liking and purchase)
CalculationQuestion type where panellists need to rate multiple products based on a pre-set total score
SubprojectQuestion type used to redirect panellists to a subproject from the mother project
FormulaQuestion type where a formula can be added to link previously given answers using a script

Advanced Questions

Basic Time IntensityQuestion type used to measure an attribute during a certain time
Time Intensity with PinchingQuestion type to measure an attribute during a certain time using a pinching mechanism on a touch screen
Sample IATQuestion type where panellists need to pick one of two samples using their keyboard in a pre-specified timeframe
NappingQuestion type where panellists need to place items according to their perceived attributes on a default or custom napkin/tablecloth
Structured NappingQuestion type where panellists need to place items according to their perceived attributes on a default or custom structured grid
Temporal Dominance Sensation (TDS)Question type used to determine which sensory attribute is dominant at a certain time
Temporal Order or Sensation (TOS)Question type used to determine the order of the sensory attribute perceived by the panellists
Temporal Click All That Apply (TCATA)Question type used to determine which sensory attributes are present at a certain time
Dynamic ListQuestion type that is used for panellist to dynamically add attributes that will be used to evaluate the sample

Immersive Questions

Virtual RealityQuestions that are used for Virtual Reality projects
Augmented RealityQuestions that are used for Augmented Reality projects
InteractiveQuestion type related to Text to Speech (allows text to be spoken to panellists in a questionnaire), Speech to Text, Machine Translation or integration with Hue and Olorama.
EyeQuestion | Question Types (2025)
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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Views: 5937

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Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.